Life During a Pandemic
Written by: Czarinah Cruz
How are you doing during these miserable times?
What is the coronavirus? According to the World Health Organization, it is a newly discovered disease that can be transmitted through air, saliva, and nose droplets that cause respiratory illness, and can lead to death if not treated well and as soon as possible.
This pandemic taught us a lot but most of us see this as a challenging year. Who would have thought our planned summer getaways would turn out to be a 7-month home quarantine? Many of us canceled our plans: do you think that God is trying to tell us something? For me, yes, this is the time to repent to him and spend most of the time with your loved ones. This pandemic taught me a lot and challenged me in every single way possible. May 23rd, I lost the most special love of my life, my grandmother, who taught me almost everything in life and became my second mother since my mom was away most of the time. She died at the age of 89, it was not sudden and somehow expected by most of our family members, but I was never ready to lose her. It was a very sad funeral because no one can visit her, only immediate family members due to the pandemic protocols. We had a very solemn funeral and burial for my grandma. Nevertheless, I did not question God for what had happened because I know in his perfect time, we will all give back the life we owed him. I thought that was it until June came, my Mom was diagnosed with Hiatal Hernia, we had to go back and forth at the hospital, she underwent a stomach surgery wherein the doctor had to cut her intestines and make some adjustments on her esophagus. It was just so hard seeing her in so much pain that even a small amount of food is being neglected by her stomach. She was in the recovery stage for a few months and was back at the hospital around August due to intolerable stomach pains. Despite what had happened and all the financial problems we had to go through, I am still thankful to God for sending him his instrumental person who has helped me in this time and I am always and forever grateful to this person. I always believe that God will not give us problems we cannot carry ourselves, and he gives this for one reason, for us to remember that he is there and all we need to do is speak to him and trust in his name.
Many might have questioned God at this time. But think twice, did God question us when he gave us life? Knowing humans can be very sinful, but he knows everyone has a chance in life to change and be more thankful for what we have than material things. Yes, material things can make us happy for a short span of time but this pandemic taught me to love my family more and give up the people and things we do not need in our lives. I hope my pandemic story taught you that little or big things should be appreciated because life is short, you will never know what is waiting for you, so learn to live, love, forget and forgive those who need to be forgiven.
What is your pandemic story?